MESiGwould like to ask the Committee to consider, in addition to their previous submission, the following comments made by the petitioner’s committee.


MESiGare not happy with the fact that ME is not being called what it is. In 1969 it was categorised as a neurological condition. While we understand the reasons given for this, we don't see how a condition can be given the right services by not calling it what it is. Thereby people will still continue to suffer from the ignorance and lack of belief and understanding.


Not only are people who have ME at a disadvantage in finding treatment but they may be deprived financially as they cannot produce Medical Evidence required to support their claim for Benefits.


If fortunate, a person with ME may be diagnosed by their GP, if they have the knowledge required. Beyond the GP there is no Specialist to whom the ME patient may be referred. 


When applying for PIP or for ESA  great emphasis is placed by the DWP on MEDICAL EVIDENCE. ME Patients are expected to include written Medical Reports, they already have, to: 

a) confirm that they have ME.

b) show how they are affected by the condition.


ME patients in Wales are increasingly finding that they have no written medical reports to include since: 

a) there is no Specialist to write a Medical Report.

b) GPs in Wales are instructed not to write letters of support in connection with Benefits, either via the NHS or paid for by the patient.

c) the DWP apparently does not consider GP letters as Medical Evidence.

d) the ME patient's claim for Benefits may be denied with the written reason:'no Medical Evidence'


Therefore patients with ME, who are severely ill, also have the added burden of poverty because: 

a) their condition is medically misunderstood, unless clearly medically reported and treated as the Neurological condition that it is.

b) without an appropriate Specialist they fail to obtain the required Medical Evidence in order to obtain Benefits.

MESiG continues to be frustrated, on behalf of ME/CFS/FM sufferers, by the time that is being taken to bring the recognition of their conditions to a satisfactory conclusion.

For and behalf of MESiG  (ME Support In Glamorgan)

Dennis H Jones